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Fixed Income Clearing - GSD

The Government Securities Division (GSD) of Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC) is the leading provider of trade comparison, netting and settlement for the Government securities marketplace. FICC was established in 2003 with the merger of the Government Securities Clearing Corporation (GSCC), which was established in 1986, and the Mortgage-Backed Securities Clearing Corporation (MBSCC), which was founded in 1979.

GSD provides automated comparison and settlement services, risk-management benefits and operational efficiencies to the Government securities industry. GSD clients include the nation's major brokers and dealers, as well as a wide range of entities that trade U.S. Government securities.

The Government Securities Division (GSD) of Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC) is the leading provider of trade comparison, netting and settlement for the Government securities marketplace. FICC was established in 2003 with the merger of the Government Securities Clearing Corporation (GSCC), which was established in 1986, and the Mortgage-Backed Securities Clearing Corporation (MBSCC), which was founded in 1979.

GSD provides automated comparison and settlement services, risk-management benefits and operational efficiencies to the Government securities industry. GSD clients include the nation's major brokers and dealers, as well as a wide range of entities that trade U.S. Government securities.

Products & Services

FICC’s Sponsored Service allows certain Netting Members to sponsor, as Sponsoring Members, eligible legal entities, as Sponsored Members, into FICC/GSD Membership. A Sponsoring Member is permitted to submit to FICC on behalf of its Sponsored Members, transactions in eligible securities for comparison and novation.

Read More about Sponsored Service

The GCF Repo® service enables dealers to trade general collateral repos, based on rate, term, and underlying product, throughout the day without requiring intra-day, trade-for-trade settlement on a Delivery-versus-Payment (DVP) basis.

Read More about GCF Repo®

The CCIT Service extends CCP services and guarantee of completion of eligible trades to tri-party repo transactions between GSD dealer members and eligible tri-party money lenders.

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Real-Time Trade Matching (RTTM®) enables dealers, brokers and other market participants to automate the processing of fixed income securities trades throughout the trading day.
Read More about Real-Time Trade Matching
The Netting and Settlement service of GSD provides centralized, automated clearance and guaranteed settlement of eligible U.S. Treasury bills, notes, bonds, strips and book-entry non-mortgage-backed agency securities.
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GSD matches and nets Repo Transactions as part of its netting process for other government securities trading activity, including all buy/sell transactions and auction purchases.

Read More about Repo Services

GSD's repo services include an automated facility that supports the Substitution of Repo Collateral. 

Read More about Repo Collateral Substitution
The Auction Takedown service reduces settlement risk and costs for participants in GSD that purchase securities through the U.S. Treasury Department’s auction programs.
Read More about Auction Takedown
FICC's Automated Funds-Only Settlement Service provides a standardized, automated method for settling non-trade, funds-only obligations each day between FICC and its customers' settling banks.
Read More about Automated Funds-Only Settlement Service

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